When you are spending money on a family holiday insurance policy, everything needs to be crystal clear, including the limits and the coverage, the terms and conditions, and the fine print that goes along with the policy. All of these aspects need to be fully understood by you, so that when the time comes that you may need to make a claim, it will be an easy and hassle-free process.
While questions that you have may vary depending on the type of policy that you are considering, these following questions are the most important and need to be answered as a priority.
Can My Pre-existing Medical Condition Be Covered?
When choosing family holiday insurance where you are all covered under one policy, individual needs must still be met, and this may include specific medical conditions. The rules regarding pre-existing medical conditions may vary from provider to provider so it’s best to not assume anything. When it comes to pregnancy, however, naturally there are exclusions. For instance, expectant women are only covered up to a certain period during their pregnancy, which usually cuts off a few weeks before their due date.
Does Our Policy Cover Holidays to Multiple Destinations?
Normally, you can select between single-trip and multi-trip policies – there are easy enough options to choose from when looking for a family holiday insurance policy. But when you are planning on a single trip but with multiple destinations, you need to be clear with your inquiry so you can find out what option will best provide you with the appropriate cover. If your family goes on vacations multiple times a year anyway, then it would be best to choose a multi-trip policy and then specify the destinations that you want to be covered. (It will be cheaper in the long run, and you only have to do it once.) But if you want a single-trip policy, there are also options on what destinations you want to be covered, depending on the provider. Either way, you need to clear this up very early on in the process.
Are Cruises Covered?
Not all insurers will provide coverage for a cruise, but there are those that include a cruise holiday as part of their basic coverage. The only way to really be sure is to ask. Another important point to consider when going on a cruise is whether the policy will be able to cover all the countries you intend to visit during the cruise.
The basic rule of thumb when choosing family holiday insurance is that it’s better to be detail-oriented to the point of being neurotic than to be dismissive about your family’s safety and your expenses.